Yesterday I had intended to start my training properly for the Moonwalk. I had worked out a nice six mile walk which would take my from my flat to my parents house in time to watch the rugby in the afternoon! I had worked out when I needed to leave and what I was going to wear and was really quite looking forward to it.
On Saturday night, my boyfriend and I decided we were going to go the cinema but go out for dinner first. We went to a chinese buffet restaurant in Birmingham but as I was walking back from the buffet to our table, I slipped and fell. Quite spectacularly actually. I slipped, my ankle gave way, my plate went up in the air (almost in slow motion) then I crashed down onto the floor with my left knee and hand leading the way. Shaken and upset, I got to my feet but left the restaurant (after a confrontation with less than helpful staff!) as I felt my knee, ankle and already injured shoulder start to sieze up.
Whilst it's not serious, it certain took me back a step and meant my six mile walk was out the window.
Better luck next week, eh?
Alice xxx
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